Whenever I needed to use a calculator, I used to hesitate just thinking of using the built-in one on my Nokia E61i as it is a nightmare to use! All of that changed ever since I found the wonderful *free* Symbian S60 calculator called *Calcium*.
Screenshot of *Nokia's Built-In S60 Calculator* in my E61i.
The problem with S60's built-in calculator is that to use it, we have to select *On-Screen buttons*. which makes using it really tedious. An example of how long it takes to use the On-Screen Buttons can be shown by this following calculation:
To calculate "*2x2=*" on the Built-In Calculator:
1) Type 2.
2) Press the joystick down *2* times to reach the "*X*" sign.
3) Type 2 again.
4) Press the joystick back up *2* times, and then press right *1* time to reach the "*=*" sign.
Yup! That makes a *total of 5 clicks on the joystick*.
Screenshot of the free *Calcium* Calculator in my Nokia E61i
Now the Calcium Calculator has removed the need to use the On-Screen buttons and has *shifted all functions directly to the joystick*. An example of how simple using Calcium is can be seen by this following calculation:
To calculate "*2x2=*" on Calcium Calculator:
1) Type 2.
2) Press right *1* time on the joystick for the "*X*" sign.
3) Type 2 again.
4) Press the center button *1* time on the joystick for the "*=*" sign.
That makes a *total of 2 clicks on the joystick*!
I highly recommend the Calcium Calculator. It's a definite must-have application for all S60 phones, and the best thing is that it's completely free!
Download *Calcium* calculator from its *Official Website*
Calcium calculator is compatible with all *Symbian S60 1st Edition*, *S60 2nd Edition* and *S60 3rd Edition* phones.
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